Using the CED Lab Viewer

The CED Lab Viewer is an applet that utilizes VLC to share the instructor's screen with the rest of the lab. Please follow the instructions below that apply to you:


  1. Log into the instructor machine using the special instructor credentials that were provided to you by your MSO. There is only one instructor machine per lab. In both labs, the instructor machine is the computer in the front of the classroom facing the entirety of the lab.
  2. Launch the CED Lab Viewer which is located on the desktop.
  3. The VLC window will appear. Please do not close this window. It is vital to the function of the viewer. Instead, please minimize it.
  4. Instruct the students to launch the CED Lab Viewer that can be found on their desktop.
  5. At the end of class session, the Lab Viewer can be stopped by closing the VLC application from the task bar.
  6. Log off of the instructor machine.


  1. Launch the CED Lab Viewer which is located on the desktop.
  2. You will now see the VLC window containing a scaled copy of what is on the instructor's screen. Please resize this window to your needs. F11 will toggle between fullscreen and non-fullscreen modes.

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Date added:
23-Sep-2014 6:02pm
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